The Esstu Pack


DB2/2 Utilities

This ZIP contains a collection of utilities for use with DB2/2. If you don't use DB2/2 these programs probably won't help you!

Programs in this distribution are all Copyright (c) 2001 Chris Angelico. All rights reserved. If you find a genuine bug, I'll try to fix it. If it corrupts your data (which to me seems unlikely), restore from a backup. (You do make regular backups, don't you?) If it helps you to work more efficiently, I'll accept full responsibility. If it breaks anything, it was your choice to install it! <g>

To download, hit the link!


Unzip DB2Utils.ZIP - nothing else required!

Program Index

File NameDescription
ArchiveLogging.CMDEnable Archive Logging
BackupDB2Back up all databases
CreateTableGenerate a CREATE TABLE statement
ECLPEnhanced Command Line Processor
TableSizeCalculate the size of a table

All of these programs are donationware. If you like them, please send money (in Australian dollars) in proportion to the amount of value you get out of them.



Enables Archive Logging for a database. See DB2/2 documentation for details on what this means and why you would want to use it.

Usage: ArchiveLogging database_name
Program file: ArchiveLogging.CMD


Back up all DB2/2 databases to a specified directory. Designed for regular backups where the DBBack directory can be picked up by some other backup program. Previous contents of backup directory are moved to DBBackOld to save backup time for the regular backup.

Installation: Copy to a convenient location, check code for configuration lines.
Usage: Run.
Program file: BACKUPDB2.CMD


Generates a CREATE TABLE command which would recreate an existing table. Somewhat imperfect - advanced features may not be noticed. This does NOT obtain the original statement - it inspects the structure of the table and attempts to build a statement which would recreate the table in the areas it checks.

Usage: Run and follow prompts.


Enhances the DB2/2 Command Line Processor; however performance suffers somewhat because of the repeated calling of DB2.EXE. Watch What's New for a similar program called E2CLP.CMD which (when written) will do all the work itself, providing better performance.

If you pass ECLP.CMD a command as arguments it will be executed before interactive mode started. This allows you to make (for example) program objects of ECLP.CMD with arguments CONNECT TO database_name to automatically connect to the specified database.

Usage: Run and enter commands as in the built-in CLP.
Program file: ECLP.CMD


Calculates the space required in the primary table space for the table that would be created by a CREATE TABLE statement. Useful for situations in which your lovely CREATE TABLE command causes SQL error -670 (table too large) and you want to know how much too large.

Usage: Run and follow prompts.
Program file: TABLESIZE.CMD