The Esstu Pack


S2Util and VX-REXX

The S2Utilities library has several functions designed specifically for Presentation Manager (especially VX-REXX) programs. VX-REXX allows a surprising amount of low-level functionality, such as the discovery of the HWND (WiNDow Handle, a unique number identifying one object among the (potentially) millions in the system) for any object, VX-REXX or otherwise; the trapping of any PM message and the viewing of the two MPARAMs; the sending of PM messages to any object in the system; and even the control (to a certain extent) of objects outside your program.

However one piece of information is lacking. There is no way, inside VX-REXX, to discover the Anchor Block Handle (HAB) for the currently executing program. Enter, therefore, S2Util, founded on a chance discovery while reading C header files for pleasure! OS/2 provides a routine for obtaining the HAB associated with a HWND. This opens up some interesting possibilities, including one causing me specific pleasure: a clipboard viewer. If this interests you also, read on. If not, read on anyway - you will probably find something which will grab you, jump out and hit you in the eye, or maybe even bore you to death. Enter at your own risk!

Caution: HWNDs as known to OS/2 are simple numbers, whereas HWNDs in VX-REXX have a prefix of '?HWND'. Also, VX-REXX stores HWNDs in hexadecimal, but S2GetHAB and S2MakeClipboardViewer require decimal input. Therefore, to get the HAB associated with some object, use the following code:

To make the object into a clipboard viewer, you must not only get the HWND and pass it to MakeClipboardViewer, but also cause VX-REXX to respond to the messages sent by OS/2:
Of course, DT_CLIP can be replaced with any object name or handle - VRWINDOW() is a good choice, if you aren't doing anything visible with the information.

In the routine DT_CLIP_CLIPCHANGE(), which is called when the clipboard is changed (even if changed to precisely what it was - if you press Ctrl-Ins twice, two messages will be sent), use the ordinary GetClipboard method of the Application object to access the new contents of the clipboard.

This code sets the Caption (the displayed text) of the DescriptiveText object to be the new contents of the clipboard, making it a real clipboard viewer. There's just one limitation - it's text only. WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD messages will be sent when graphic data is cut/copied to the clipboard, but the GetClipboard method won't show it.

I do hope these snippets of information are helpful. If so, then my job is well worth while. Thankyou. (This quote is from Wallace Greenslade, on The Goon Show. I do hope these snippets... Oh? You've heard that already? Very well, I won't say it again. :-)