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Free music cassettes |
O Give Thanks Unto the Lord 200g Was $14.30
Cassette of Anglo-Genevan psalms sung to organ backing. Tracks: Psalm 72, Psalm 132, Psalm 101, Psalm 6 organ solo, Psalm 87, Psalm 40, Psalm 118, Psalm 136, Psalm 17, Psalm 5, Psalm 94 organ solo, Psalm 56, Psalm 119:4-5, Psalm 150.
Quick study resources |
Dealing with Anger 100g $4
A series of Bible studies by Earl & Diane Rodd. Conquering anger. The way out of anger. Anger-free relationships. Christian unity in the family.
Dinosaurs, the Devil and Deception 50g $2
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. Biblical methods of teaching science for Christian home educators. The Biblical basis of scientific research. Examples of God-fearing scientists. How to do lab science at home.
Diversity and Absolutes 70g $2
A Bible study by Earl & Joel Rodd. A Christian approach to individual differences with application to home education. Genetics vs developmental pressures. The opposite errors of legalism (artificial absolutes where God made differences) and lawlessness (artificial diversity where God requires absolutes). Study environment, workbook vs textbook, direction, thinking vs talking and teaching techniques for various personality types. Knowing Christ.
Faith for our Families 30g $1
A Bible study by Diane Rodd. Recognizing God's call for our lives, belief in God's promises, Biblical examples.
Families, Dating and the Bible 60g $2
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. Basic training, God's Plan, the basis of marriage, inner beauty, the power of prayer, purity, the role of parents, a Godly alternative to dating, the selection of a mate, getting to know the opposite sex, the wisdom of the family, making a decision (conforming our will to God's), Biblical examples.
God's perfect educational standard 25g $1
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. Jesus, the perfect standard. State vs church. What is the standard we should expect in education, whether based in the state, church or home?
God's priorities or evil powers - who controls our home education? 120g $3
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. What is our purpose? Looks at priorities which often become top priorities almost by accident, and then seeks to compare them to God's priorities for our families. Focuses on the priority of believing God for Christian unity in our families. We want our decisions, methods and practices in home education to be motivated by God's priorities and controlled by His holy power.
Man, Myths and the Master 110g $3
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. Plays, novels and movies are a major part of Western culture, and all have now become part of the educational process. Myths, fables and allegories are an older form of a similar attempt to educate through entertainment. Are these literary devices equal in God's sight? Does the Bible reveal a literary device that is superior? Is the theory of fiction to literature what the theory of evolution is to science? Look at literature from God's point of view to learn what is man, what is myth and who is the Master.
Principles of Choosing a Christian Curriculum 50g $2
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. What is our goal? Why not use non-Christian curriculum? Considerations in specific subjects. How to research and choose. The place of entertainment.
Teaching the Fear of the Lord 100g $3
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is a crucial element of walking with God. The Bible contains a wealth of information about the fear of the Lord and how to teach it. Studies the nature of the family then builds a foundation of understanding about the fear of the Lord.
Thankfulness 60g $2
A Bible study by Diane Rodd. Because our culture finds it easier to grumble and complain than to give thanks, our families are in danger of being conformed to the world rather than to the image of Jesus Christ.
The Biblical Method of Education 30g $1
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. Understanding man's origin and design, the Bible as the basis for life and learning, dealing with learning difficulties.
The Kingdom of Time 30g $1
A Bible study by Diane Rodd. A parable about a fictional kingdom where the people pursued time savings rather than wisdom, and the problems that came to the society as a result.
The Primary Textbook 40g $1
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. The Bible - which version? The choice of a Bible translation is an important one, but we must remember that the least effective Bible is one which is never read. Examines the use of Bible story books for children and "children's Bibles" as well as full translations. Briefly outlines the history of various translations and the various manuscripts available.
Grieving over Grammar 40g $1
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. An expose of modern methods of teaching grammar. These methods are compared against Biblical methods of education. The reader is lead to apply Biblical methods to the teaching of English grammar. Modern methods fail students who are left without the understanding of their native language which is necessary for clear, concise written and oral communcation for the foundation necessary to learn a foreign language. Students are left frustrated by their failures with no instruction in how to improve. These failed methods are widely taught in colleges and universities (even Christian ones) and therefore heavily influence many curricula.
The Importance of Teaching Phonics Biblically 40g $1
A Bible study by Earl & Diane Rodd. Because English is a phonetic language, reading is best taught using phonics. A number of phonics methods are in use in schools and among home educators. Before considering which phonics program or method to use, we must first consider God's purpose for language and communcation and the Biblical method of education. This pamphlet starts with these basic considerations and then applies the Biblical method to teaching phonics. The Biblical method is contrasted with secular humanistic methods.
Run-out specials |
Student Record Book 50g Was $3.30 Now $1
Plan and record daily work, test scores, extras. Each SRB records 10 weeks of Lifepac or other work.
Keyboarding Skills 250g Was $33 Now $10
An efficient multisensory touch typing course for any age, teaching letters alphabetically. A rhyming mnemonic said aloud speeds memory. Spiral-bound book with a built-in easel, for any computer, any word processing program, or even a typewriter!
Wordly Wise series Was $37.40 Now $10 per level
A good vocabulary is basic to many thinking skills: limited word knowledge will practically prevent conceptual and analytical thought. All vocabulary extension is beneficial, but a consistent ten minutes per day, 4-5 days per week is best. In 20 minutes a day, Wordly Wise creates an interest in word usage, and is effective and enjoyable. Nine books cover grades 4-12, numbered 1-9. Set contains a textbook and answers; tests included free where available.
Junior Wordly Wise series Was $20.90 Now $5 per level
Similar to above, but for younger students, with illustrations. Three books for Grades 2-3, labelled A-C. Set contains a textbook and answers; tests included free where available.
Holey Cards Was $2 Now 50c
A nifty card with about 100 multiplication problems up to 12x12, for when you don't have time for face-to-face drills. No erasing or photocopying; simple to correct. Includes an achievement certificate.
History and Geography of Australia in Maps 125g Was $11 Now $2
Very useful 48p volume covering the geology, climate, vegetation, waterways, land use and mineral resources of Australia and the history of European exploration and settlement. This non-consumable resource for all ages contains some evolutionary statements but otherwise is good value.
Other Side of the Garden 400g Was $44.20 Now $10
Virginia Fugate reveals how to renew purpose in life, achieve God's design for your marriage, distinguish submission from blind obedience, correctly influence your husband, children and church, live with a passive or overbearing man. Includes study guide for group or individual study.
What The Bible Says About Being a Man 400g Was $36.30 Now $8
Encouragement (if necessary challenge) to fathers in their God-ordained leadership role within the home. This book tells the truth about gender differences, and shows how Western civilization forfeited its rich inheritance of Biblical truth, and how to retrieve it. Speaks to young men as well as fathers. By Richard Fugate.
Multi-Sided Dice 50g Was $1 Now 20c each
For random drill. Choose from 8, 10, 12, or 20 sided dice for increasing complexity; or high (i.e. 7 to 12 instead of 1 to 6), operations (+ - × ÷) or blank six sided (you can change the numbers/operations daily).
Family Bible 150g Was $24.20 Now $8
Music CD by Gavin Chatelier emphasizing the role of healthy family relationships as the foundation of society and the importance of family devotions centred on God's Word.
The Simple Life 150g Was $27.50 Now $8
Music CD by Gavin Chatelier telling the joys of Christian family life and walking with God.
What The Bible Says About Child Training 400g Was over $150 Now $10
You can't teach unteachable children. A disciplined child obeys without needing reminders, incentives or anger, yielding a good working relationship. Unlike books on child rearing which simply trick Johnny into doing what you want without changing him, this one is based on Biblical truth. By Richard Fugate. Includes six-cassette audio seminar, NTSC video seminar and seminar syllabus for notes and in-depth study.
Catechism in Modern English 100g Was $2.75 Now $1
The Shorter Catechism with minimal changes (obsolete words updated only). Teaches all the central truths of the Bible. Reformed Theology.
The Homeschool Manual CD 200g Was $27.50 Now $5
A homeschool encyclopædia on CD-ROM - educational research, grade level standards in all subjects, notes on organization, motivation, special needs and teaching each subject. Includes printable record forms, software samples, interactive index, and web links.
God Made Music 6 450g Was $72 Sell $5
Excellent range of activities and avenues of learning - it even explains how music playing machines (like CD players) work. Games, histories, keyboard, singing, and so much more. Includes two student books and a teacher guide - student book is designed to be written in, so use with two students at once, or use one and sell the other when you finish with the guide.
Exercise Book 14mm Dotted Thirds 100g Was $1.65 Now 20c
Dotted thirds exercise books help children write neatly. 14mm is typically suitable for children in grades 2-3.
Geometric Grid Book 100g Was $1.10 Now 20c
Fine grid with keylines suitable for drawing accurate graphs. Ideal for secondary school children, or for adults in mathematical or engineering fields.
Christian Community Schools work units ("Measures") |
The following items from Christian Community Schools are tried and true units of study developed for the classroom, but also very suitable for home use. All are Australian, Christian, and copy-ready.
People Who Help Us 100g $2
Copiable student materials for a four-week unit on community awareness for 4 - 6-year-olds. Helps the child understand our interdependence on each other and to appreciate the many roles of others in the community.
Copying Masters for Preschools 100g $1
Australian animals, textures, worksheets, and crafts based on our fauna.
Space Three volume set 450g $5
Study SPACE as a family! Readings for lower primary students in the first volume, called "Out of this World," and for upper primary or lower secondary students in the volume called "Space." The third volume is the teacher guide with reproducible masters and teacher notes to bring out the many learning opportunities embedded in the readings.
God Created the Animals and Birds Two volume set 300g $4
Grade 1 - 2 students can explore various animals and birds - their habitat, habits and instincts in this Science/Language Arts unit. Student book (reproducible) and teacher notes.
Secondhand |
Life Science for Christian Schools 1.2kg
Bob Jones University text for (any one of) Years 6 to 8, written specifically for Christians. Hardback and in excellent condition. This generously illustrated full colour text is of the highest quality both in production and in educational excellence. Covers classification, cells, life processes, ecology and the human body.
Accelerated Christian Education materials 5kg
Procedures Manual, ten PACEs, eight of which are Australian (Science 1065; Maths A1034, Maths A1035, Maths A1046, Maths A1047; Social Studies 1041, 1043, A1047, A1048, A1050), two self-pacs Science 61 and 97), and other papers including leaflets on pertinent family and home education issues. All unused (bought as samples only).
Lifepac Curriculum specials |
We have assembled our remaining stock into sets which you can use for extra study into any particular subject your children need to reinforce.
Prices are negotiable - if you're interested, make an offer.
Grade 1 Bible 800g Was $46.75 Sell $5
Two months of work with full teacher guide, teaching about Jesus our Saviour and New Testament stories.
Grade 1 English 800g Was $70.40 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide and readers, teaching the alphabet and phonogram sounds.
Grade 1 Maths Set 1A 800g Was $44 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide, teaching fractions, time, and symbols.
Grade 1 Maths Set 1B 800g Was $44 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide, teaching column addition and estimation.
Grade 1 Maths Set 107 1kg Was $70.40 Sell $5
Four months of work with full teacher guide, teaching counting to 200, adding and subtracting to 18, and sensible answers.
Grade 1 Science 2kg Was $132 Sell $5
Eight months of work with full teacher guide, covering learning with eyes, animals, plants, health, God's beautiful world, simple machines, and science in our world.
Grade 1 History/Geography Set 101 800g Was $44 Sell $5
Half year course about me, communicating with sound, feelings, family, and God's family.
Grade 1 History/Geography Set 110 800g Was $44 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide about the world and you.
Grade 2 Bible Set 200 800g Was $59.40 Sell $5
Four months of work with full teacher guide, teaching God is everywhere, God and the family, God made the nations, and God, His Word and you.
Grade 2 Bible Set 204 400g Was $17.60 Sell $5
Two months of work teaching How the Bible came to you and The story of Joseph.
Grade 2 English Set 201 700g Was $41.80 Sell $5
Two months of work with full teacher guide teaching From sounds to words and Words to sentences.
Grade 2 English Set 203 600g Was $33 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide teaching How the sentence begins.
Grade 2 English Set 204 600g Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide teaching A second look at letters, Sentence: start to finish and More about punctuation.
Grade 2 English Set 211A 200g Was $8.80 Sell $1
One month of work teaching From sounds to words.
Grade 2 English Set 211B 200g Was $8.80 Sell $1
One month of work teaching Sentence: start to finish.
Grade 2 Maths Set 200A 700g Was $33 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide teaching Numbers and words to 100.
Grade 2 Maths Set 200B 700g Was $33 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide teaching Adding and subtracting and even and odd.
Grade 2 Maths Set 200C 700g Was $33 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide teaching Adding with carrying to the tens place.
Grade 2 Science Set 200A 800g Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide teaching The living and nonliving, Plants and Animals.
Grade 2 Science Set 200B 800g Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide teaching about You, Pet and plant care and Your five senses.
Grade 2 Science Set 200C 800g Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide teaching Physical properties, Changes in our world and Looking at our world.
Grade 2 History/Geography 1.2kg Was $103.40 Sell $5
Nine months of work with full teacher guide teaching Families and neighbours, Community helpers, Neighbourhood stores, Farms and cities, Neighbours around the world, How we travel, Messages from far and near, Caring for our neighborhoods and People depend on each other.
Grade 3 Bible Set 300A 800g Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide, covering Joseph son of Jacob, God's care of His people, and how we know the Bible is God's Word.
Grade 3 Bible Set 300B 800g Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide, covering archeology of Bible fact, our need for friendship, and helping others for the love of God.
Grade 3 English Set 302 700g Was $41.80 Sell $5
Two months of work with full teacher guide, covering long and short vowels, structure of a question, root words, alphabetical order, and synonyms and antonyms.
Grade 3 English Set 304 700g Was $33 Sell $5
One month of work with full teacher guide, covering nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs, irregular vowels, and prefixes and suffixes.
Grade 3 English Set 305 700g Was $8.80 Sell $1
One month of work covering paragraphs, syllables, long and short vowels, punctuation and capital letters, and plurals. Answers included (pull-out section in Lifepac).
Grade 3 English Set 306 700g Was $41.80 Sell $5
Two months of work with full teacher guide, covering poetry and prose, critical thinking about books, writing letters, fact and fiction, and pronouns.
Grade 3 English Set 308 1.1kg Was $50.60 Sell $5
Three months of work with full teacher guide, covering compound verbs, being verbs, reading for sequence and detail, book reports, reference books, thank you letters, punctuation, and parts of speech.
Maths for Builders 400g Was $8.25 Sell $1
One Lifepac (Consumer Maths 5) covering measurement systems, area and volume, curved and straight boundaries. Includes free solution and test key.
Understanding God's Creation 1.2kg $20
Complete Science Grade 4 Lifepac Set, secondhand, with full answers. Teaches plants, animals, man's environment, machines, electricity and magnetism, changes in water, weather, the solar system and the universe, planet Earth. Was $101.20 when new.
Times and Seasons 200g $1
Teaches how the earth moves, why time changes, time zones, seasons and the earth's tilt. Includes full answers. Grade 3 level. Was $8.80.
Rocks and their Change 200g $1
Teaches how rocks are formed, how rocks are changed, and uses of rocks for buildings and enjoyment. Secondhand. Includes full answers. Grade 3 level. Was $8.80 when new.
Heat Energy 200g $1
Teaches sources of heat energy (friction, fire, electricity, our bodies, the sun), what heat energy is and does (definition, effects and movement of heat energy), how heat energy affects our lives (benefits, problems and ecology of heat energy). Includes full answers. Grade 3 level. Was $8.80.
Physical Change 200g $1
Teaches about change in man, plants and animals, properties of matter, seasons and time, rocks, sounds and energy. Secondhand. Includes full answers. Grade 3 level. Was $4.40 when new.
Words and how we use them 200g $1
Teaches singular and plural, reading, creative writing, handwriting, spelling and dictionary skills. Secondhand. Includes full answers. Grade 2 level. Was $8.80 when new.
Story Elements and Construction 200g $5
Teaches story messages, main ideas, words to stories, the written report, poetry, word usage, verbs and reading fluency. Some items secondhand. Includes full answers. 10 months of work at Grade 5 level. Was $92.40 when new.
The Early Church 200g $20
Complete Grade 8 Bible curriculum. Teaches prayer, sin and salvation, attributes of God, early church leaders, early church history, the book of Proverbs, understanding today's problems, understanding parents, walking with God. Some items secondhand. Includes full answers and teacher handbook. Was $101.20 when new.
Bible Basics 2.5kg Was $158.40 Sell $20
Grade 1 Bible course with full teacher guide, covering Creation, God's love, prayer, OT and NT stories, spiritual gifts. Free achievement certificate included.
Bible Basics II 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Grade 2 Bible curriculum with full teacher guide, covering Moses, David, Joseph, families, nations, and how the Bible came to you.
Basic Maths 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Grade 2 maths curriculum with full teacher guide, covering adding with carrying, graphs, subtracting with borrowing, volume, money, area.
World Geographical Regions 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Grade 4 Geography curriculum with full teacher guide, covering seaports, deserts, grasslands, rainforests, polar regions, mountains and island countries.
Improving Communication 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Grade 8 English curriculum with full teacher guide, covering affixes, origins of English, grammar, punctuation, essays, dictionary/thesaurus usage, synonyms, biographies, critical thinking, letters.
New Testament Survey 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Grade 9 Bible course with full teacher guide, covers the gospels, Acts, Paul's letters, the general letters and Revelation; plus Job, evangelism, God's Will, etc.
Old Testament Survey 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Grade 10 Bible curriculum with full teacher guide, covering Creation, Noah, Abraham, the Exodus, Caanan, the Judges, the Kingdom of Israel, the divided kingdom, the captivity, the remnant and the restoration.
Algebra II & Geometry 1.5kg Was $103.40 Sell $5
Nine month Grade 10 Maths curriculum with full teacher guide, covering lines, planes, definitions, logic, proofs, angles and parallels, congruency, similarity, circles, area and volume, coordinate geometry.
Biology 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $20
Full year Grade 10 Science curriculum with full teacher guide, covering taxonomy, basis of life, microbiology, cells, plants, human anatomy, inheritance, ecology & energy, applications of biology.
Consumer Maths 1.5kg Was $104.50 Sell $5
Grade 8-10 Maths curriculum with full solutions, covering fractions, decimals, percentages, family finances, measuring in construction trades, accounting, transportation, business services.
Life & Nature 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $5
Secondhand Grade 5 Science curriculum with full teacher guide, covering cells, life cycles, energy, rocks and fossils, natural cycles.
Higher Arithmetic 1.5kg Was $112.20 Sell $5
Secondhand Grade 6 Maths curriculum with full teacher guide, covering fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, metric, Least Common Multiples, Greatest Common Factors, integers, ratios, graphing, estimating.
Pre-Algebra Concepts 2kg Was $123.20 Sell $5
Secondhand Grade 8 Maths curriculum inc. full teacher guide, covering fractions, statistics, integers, algebraic equations, graphs, factors, rational numbers, formulae.
Political Science 200g $1
Teaches the roots of Western political thought (Jewish, Greek and Christian influences), modern political thinkers, political theory and practice, and models of government. Grade 7 level. Was $8.80.
God's Creation Review 200g $1
Teaches the solar system, Earth, matter, water, weather, man's creative ability using natural energy and materials, ecology, communities and conservation. Includes full answers. Grade 4 level. Was $8.80.
Plants 200g $1
Teaches plant parts, plant growth, plant changes and measurement. Includes full answers. Grade 3 level. Was $8.80.
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